terça-feira, 6 de novembro de 2012
November 6
"Delight thyself also in the LORD, and he shall give thee the desires of thine heart." (Psalm 37:4 KJV)
The fact that we have our delight in God has a transforming power, and raises man above the low desires of our fallen nature. The delight in Jehovah is not only sweet in itself, but sweetens so our whole soul, till the longings of the heart become pure as the Lord safely can promise to fulfill them. This is not the great delight that shapes our desires to become similar to God's desires?
On our way to carry insensate desire first, and soon put us to work to get what we want. Such conduct does not conform to God's will, which is to seek Him first and then expect us all things being added. If our hearts are full of God who overflows with delight, then the Lord will see that we lack nothing. Instead of going in search of happiness outside, we stay at home with God and drink the water from our own source. He can do much more for us than all our friends. It is better to content ourselves with only God than entristecermo us want the trifles of this world. For a moment we can have disappointments, but if they take us closer to the Lord, should be of great esteem, because in the end, we ensure the fulfillment of all our good wishes.
"Cheque Book of the Bank of Faith" of C. H. Spurgeon
Translation of Carlos Antonio da Rocha
domingo, 3 de junho de 2012
quarta-feira, 28 de março de 2012
Series: Thinking to myself - 01
quarta-feira, 21 de março de 2012
domingo, 18 de março de 2012
For anyone who is heartbroken ...

Dressing For A Broken Heart
"Today, I woke up feeling
a big pain in the chest ";
I sat at the foot of the bed,
I put my hand on my chest,
and asked my heart:
- What do you have?
Why are you so restless within me?
Are you sick?
I was a few minutes in silence
and there was my soul
starting to get restless ...
I asked her ...
- What do you have?
Because he torments himself inside me?
My soul said:
- I am so why are you so;
You make me questions,
but I have no answers
and I know it makes you miserable ...
You feel so small,
and it makes me too small ...
You wanted to be different
and I'm sad for you ...
You're so alone, and I feel without you ...
Again I again remain silent ...
And that's where my heart
I replied a bit confused:
- I'm so sad ...
I feel so small ...
I hurt with you!
I was embarrassed and asked:
- What have I done?
He replied:
You suffer so much with people;
cares about them, is attentive,
tries to be helpful and
most of the time, always disappoint ...
Do you love and then suffers
and says that it's my fault ...
You wait for something that does not come
and sad ...
Then you cry and it hurts me ...
I need healing
for a broken heart ...
Dressings good.
I asked my heart:
- As well, good?
He replied:
Dressing to stem
that his sadness, that her grief,
that his loneliness ...
What are you on cold days
and the empty nights,
days storm
and at times you feel so alone ...
They are so large
that may involve your body
in a hug full of tenderness
and you feel safe and secure ...
Dressings that make you feel
how much you are special and loved,
even if you never make sense
that love, not of their own parents ...
I need good healing,
that are not eternal,
After all nothing is forever,
but which are not disposable ...
Dressings that absorb
this suffering, this pain ...
This wound is not seen,
just feels ...
Be strong, and waterproof,
so as not to spoil
with her tears,
that are soft,
in order to make you love
on days when you feel needy ..
Dressings that above all
never disappoint,
promising things that do not meet ...
Dressings and sincere companions,
who care you really ...
I do not want pity, I love ...
True love.
You also need love and promise
he will seek to take better care of myself,
I'm part of you and if you suffer
I suffer too ...
I wish I could put you inside me,
dry your tears, you lullabies ...
Tell you that everything will go
protect you and the disappointments of his life,
after you have suffered so much that
do not know how I can still hit hard
on his chest!
You are special ...
Sorry ...
Nobody realize it!
quarta-feira, 25 de janeiro de 2012
domingo, 8 de janeiro de 2012
"Seek the Lord while he may be found, Call upon Him while He is near." - Isaiah 55:6

"Seek the Lord while he may be found, Call upon Him while He is near." - Isaiah 55:6
In these early days of 2012 a verse has "hammered" in my head.
When this happens, I'm sure God wants me to say something, and that more still must share with others (those who want to know) what he wants to teach us.
Much has been said about this year has begun and that "by the turn of events" will move faster than the previous ones (I advise not to keep - those who did - their Christmas decorations ... lol ..) So far has been said about forecasts through 2012, Hollywood movies, the Mayan prophecies, Nostradamus, etc.. and such that the world will end now ...
I see that I am an observer of the most varied reactions from the panic "swallowed" and somatization and hypochondria, to the attitude of: "Oh ... nothing to do! "And many LOL!"
Be one way or another, Jesus some 2000 years back already said (John 14:18),
That was at the door (Revelation 3:11), that many signs would precede His coming (Matt. 24:14), and that God would create new heavens and new earth (2 Peter 3:13) ...
In the case of Jesus, I have no doubt (you?) Eele never lied and that by these and other qualities of his character is that he was taken to the cross of Calvary to save us.
If He did not lie and never mind what God meant to say: as you seek can find?
We must be vigilant and seek the Lord all day and all day because His coming is sudden as lightning, and when no one else waiting.
As we seek God? Many modern churches are wrong when they lead the people to pursue God of Prosperity, the god of feelings, the god immediate cure, the god that follows when determining the god who has the ability to spend hours and hours listening to the same sentence , the same music, as if he were deaf or dumb and did not understand the first time, or the god of the movements, the shows of excuses to join the world and things in it, or the god who permits, everything can and nothing is sin ...
The true God is very simple, yet so grand and impossible to define human words! God created the little birds that fly and sing happy, the flowers of various hues, the stately trees, rivers, lakes, waterfalls, seas ... He created everything and saw it was good.
The man who wants to seek God must run to Him "in spirit in truth," considering all that he created and grateful heart for the little or much you have.
Time is running out. When the church is raptured to live permanently and eternity in Heaven with the Lord, men will want to seek God and will not find it, because the Holy Spirit went along with the church and the Holy Spirit was He who taught us all things that comfort us, we cheered, we gave the direction while the church was on earth.
Without the Holy Spirit on earth - this will be a place of darkness, of persecution, despair and pain. Men want to die, but not be able to ... (Revelation 9:6)
As I now pray that the Holy Spirit will continue speaking to your heart these truths I tried to tell you and you finally understand the great need for everyone to seek God while you may find the ...
Soli Deo Gloria.
Tania Gahyba, Pra. Chaplain
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