Today, a beautiful sunny Saturday (Shabbat Shalom!), I went through some streets near Pampulha Lagoon (you need to know ...) and once again noticed the trees, the birds up in the capybara (Is. .. although BH to be a cosmopolitan city has capybaras loose on the edge of Lake ... rs
I noticed because I'm a hopeless romantic.
I noticed because God graced me with this sensitivity.
I noticed because it is one more reason to praise the Creator.
But how many, how many who did not notice it being there. What a shame for them ...
But also I noticed something that astonished me even more. We got 23 days in spring pp Out here there is an explosion of flowers in the trees "... But how?! It does not rain for months in BH!
Flowers in the gardens - even compreesível - the housewife watering every day (or almost all).
But in the streets? Who is watering to flourish so lush and so beautiful?
Scientists and scholars say that they (the trees) suck the aquifers ... Under layers of asphalt? Maybe so, but I prefer to think that the Creator also creates and watering and caring for each tree ...
By the way, I also saw with sadness that many of them near the
Airport are marked with an "X" sign that will soon be cut by the city for any economic investment. I felt like getting off the car and delete each of those Xis !!!!... Less air, less beauty, less birds nested and so on.
But, still, I'm sure that God our Creator and Father cares for each tree, and takes care of the birds as Jesus said.
Then we can be sure that if we indulge in body, soul and spirit to Him, also in the "watering" every day, so we can grow and bear fruit and also beautiful and fragrant flowers to brighten the lives of others. In Irrigation with LOVE, LOVE, PEACE, JOY, HOPE AND MANY MORE THINGS.
In closing, let me share with you what a Catholic seminarian told me one day in a Hebrew class, many years ago and never forgot: "Every flower you see, It's A KISS OF GOD IN YOUR EYES"
God has kissed me too ...
Soli Deo Gloria "