It said, therefore Jesus to the Jews who had believed in it: If it to remain in my word, are truily my disciples; e you will know the truth and he will free you to the truth. They had answered to it: we are descending of Abraão and we were never enslaved of somebody; as you say: You will be free? He talked back Jesus to them: in truth, in I say you to truth: all what commits sin is enslaved of the sin. The slave is not forever in the house; the son, yes, forever. If, therefore, to free you to the Son, truily you will be livres." Those people had believed in Jesus they heard and It with attention, she does not stop learning and apprehending Good the News that it brought to them, but treacherously to catch It for the proper word. Many today are acting in the same way. They go to the church, they like them musics, they like as many things that they are presented to them, but are the time all in the hour of the pregação (exactly that they do not speak) waiting one " deslize" in the Homilética, the Hermeneutics of the Shepherd… They are not worried about the CERNE of the message that is: the relationship with Jeus (that he is God) and the problem of the sin that hinders the freedom of somebody to become son of God truily. They had spoken that never they had been enslaved of nobody… lie! Per centuries they had been made enslaved in Egypt and alone they had been libertos for plan and workmanship of the proper God. They had spoken that they were children of Abraão (and they are) as if this never had sin… Abraão sinned when it lay for faraó that its Sara wife was its sister… to only cite one. Many are today following men as if these did not have sin some, as he was deuses… In a trip that I made for another State, it has some days, I was invited to go to a cult in a church, where the shepherd nailed of another country through a telão. All good, if was not what irmãzinha invited that me had said me that " would go to the church to see its; paizinho" (and this did not mention to Deus or Jesus, but to the shepherd of the telão)… My heart ached. They are forgetting that the Church is OF It, the cult is for IT, what we have more is in them to recognize devoid pecadores OF It total - JESUS! It is therefore that we go to the Church, we read the Bible (that it is the Word of God), we pray to the ùnico God. To remain In it, to be Its disciples and to act as children of God! Making this we do not have more pleasure in the sin, we can until sinning, but soon we repent in them and we have JESUS as our lawyer. Then, happy, we continue ours walked believing that we will be forever in the house of the Father… Forever! To the JESUS all glory!