One of the similarities between the Christian and the wicked is that both seek God, but in different ways.
Before the sacrifice of Jesus on the cross to save the human soul, God required of men animal sacrifices to atone for sins.
Jesus, the Son of God, fulfilled the Supreme Sacrifice - the largest - with their own flesh and blood: His life, once and for all!
When we become, the world and their religious practices are left behind. We are born again spiritually! We are new creatures and we have a new life goal: to proclaim the Good News and the coming of the Kingdom of God!
But many believers find it difficult to forget the old practices learned in other religions, sects and philosophies. We have seen that even encouraged by leaders (without this theological awareness), add to biblical practices of the New Testament to ancient pagan practices, such as:
- Leave the open Bible in the car to "scare thieves"
- Leave the open Bible in Psalm 91 at home to "scare demons"
- Set behind the front door of the house a brochure on Psalm 91 (it again ... as if only this was important ...) or Psalm 23 for protection.
- Taking home objects, flowers, salt, rue soap, shampoo (sic.) anointed to absorb the "bad energy" and "attract good"
I ask: where is then the worship of the true God should be according to himself, "in spirit and in truth"?
Where is the sovereignty of God over human beings and of all things? How is the power in the name of Jesus to these people? Where the authority of the blood of Christ?
The Word of God says that our weapons are not carnal - 2Co.3-5. Our struggle is against spiritual beings: evil, cunning, liars and deceivers and knowledgeable of the Word of God.
Satan believes in God and trembles. But many believers become accustomed to the grace and abuse it ...
Our weapons are spiritual and not natural. For this the Lord gave us an armor (Ef.6 :10-18).
Neither this verse, we must make a "charm". The tendency of human beings is always idolize objects and words - so God has never allowed the body of Moses, Noah's ark and the ark of the covenant were found. Otherwise would be objects of worship for men who only believe what they see.
Not only read the Word ... is living in the Word which gives us authority. He is the man to close the gaps in your own life is to repent of their sins, take up his cross every day and recognize that God is Spirit and they that Worship Him in spirit and truth. This means: fellowship. Study the Bible in order to use it properly.
So yes, our worship of God is the way that pleases him, without superstition, without strange fire on the altar.
It is much easier and possible to make sacrifices in the flesh.
Simple ... as the Lord Jesus was and always taught us to be.
To Him all the glory!